vraniCURE hat town hats
To keep up with the demand of our vraniCURE Town hats, we have needed to change our ordering process. All custom orders will require a minimum 25 hats, delivered to one location. If you, your team or group would like to order your own custom hat, please email us vranicure@yahoo.com
vraniCURE gear
After Jacquelyn’s diagnosis she wanted a way to capture people’s attention to raise awareness of MBC and the lack of funding for it. To accomplish this she developed a line of gear featuring her signature heart. The heart is something she has used to sign notes and cards and felt it was the perfect image to use to represent MBC. As stage iv Thriver, she and others do not feel the color pink accurately represents them or what breast cancer really is. The simple, black heart sparks conversation, is easily recognizable and just plain cute.